Thursday, April 14, 2011

Why wear a helmet when riding a bike?

I rode my bike the other day and I forgot how much I like riding bikes. This time though I had to wear a helmet, which I didn't like very much. Helmets are annoying and they make me look funny. Growing up I was always suppose to wear a helmet when I rode my bike, but I never did because I thought it was one of those rules, like many others, was pointless. It wasn't until I got older and maybe a little wiser that I realize the rule was there for a reason. It was there to protect you from getting hurt.

We all have rules in life either at home from our parents, at school from the teachers, or even at work. Sometimes they are annoy and sometimes we feel they are just putting restrictions on what we can and can't do. Usually we don't like them because we don't really understand why we have them. Usually they are there for a reason and if we knew the reason we are much more likely to follow them.

I think about God's commandments and why we have them. Growing up I tried my best to follow them and my friends always told me that they just restricted me from having fun, but I knew why God gave us commandments so I strived my best to follow them but I wasn't always perfect at following them. So I know from experiences of when I was following them I was a lot happier than when I was NOT following them. Sometimes I do not understand the some of the commandments but I do know why they are there and that is because we are God's Children, He is our Heavenly Father, He loves us and wants to protect us. Also by Him giving us commandments and by us following them we know we can return to live in our Heavenly Father's presence again. God doesn't expect us to be perfect, but He does expect us to to strive to do our best. And when we make a mistake, we can repent, and learn from it.

I am so grateful for my Heavenly Father and the love he has for me to help me be able to return to him by giving me commandments. I love my Heavenly Father. I know it is hard sometimes to follow His commandments, but I do know he doesn't give us a commandment without preparing a way for us to accomplish it. (1 Nephi 3:7) I know that God gives us commandments because he loves us! I know that as we obey them we will be blessed!


  1. what a good analogy. I think Helmets are annoying too but they are there for our benefit and so are the commandments!

  2. "like", :D glad to hear things are going well and you are happy, a letter to come soon.

  3. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I remember one time thinking about the commandments and realized that all the commandments from God were only to protect us and help us. There isn't a single commandment I can think of that hurts us.
