One day in elementary school I was sent to see the principal because the teacher didn't want to deal with me. I remember my principal very well, I remember him listening to my side of the story and thinking about it and then he started talking about ATTITUDE. Over and over by many people since I was young, have told me I have an ATTITUDE problem, very few people told me though that I can make my ATTITUDE to not be a problem. That my attitude can be used in a great ways, and for great things. If I have a negative attitude, then yes its a problem. I have to admit even to this day I still have a negative attitude sometimes, but I try my best to improve it. Lately in my life my attitude as really displayed discouragement and negative thoughts of feeling that I can't do this, its not going to work and so on. Its gotten to the point that its effecting the Lord's work that I have been called to do. I am not able to help others because I don't think I can. I am not able to do this and that because I don't think I can. I have not experience as much success in the work I do for my Heavenly Father because I am waiting for the success to have a good ATTITUDE about it.
A quote I come across the other day made me really think:
"Attitude is not the result of success. Success is the result of attitude."
Which then made me think of this scripture:
"I would show unto the world that is things which are for and seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no until after the of your faith."
God isn't going to give us the witness of truth until after we excercise our faith in Him and do the things he commands and study diligently and pray to our Heavenly Father and ask Him.
Just like I am not going to experience success in the work I do if I don't believe I can, If I don't have faith I can, I won't.
Since a very young age I always wondered how do I change my ATTITUDE? And everytime I am involved with something new and I don't have the right ATTITUD about it, I seek my Heavenly Father's and My Savior's help by praying for the desire to have a better ATTITUDE, to have charity, the pure Love of Christ, and overtime through different experiences and as I let my desires work inside me, my ATTITUDE changes.
I am so grateful for the expereinces and people I have in my life to help me learn and grow. I know that I can't improve and do things without the help of my Heavenly Father and my Savior!
I know that God is my Heavenly Father, and that He loves me and each one of His children. I know that He sent His son,
Jesus Christ to suffer and die for us so that we can be cleansed from our sins when we repent. I know by following the example of
Jesus Christ and developing attributes that He has we can experience happiness and peace in our lives. I know that through Jesus Christ I can be forgiven of my sins and return to live with my Heavenly Father and my family for eterenity! I know that the Church Christ established when He was here on earth has been
restored through a prophet called of God, name
Joesph Smith. I know that the
Book of Mormon is true and that Joesph Smith translated it through the power of God. I love my Heavenly Father and my Savior, Jesus Christ!